Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Google+ photo vs Facebook photo upload limit

I was reminded of the work Google+ still has to do before it can match Facebook feature to feature, most notably for me in the photo uploads feature. Google+ currently scales back my iPhone uploads down to 2048 x 2048 pixels, when the camera takes photos at 3,264 x 2,448 pixels. Although it's the thought and content of the photo that counts, I am dissapointed in the drop in quality in order to store photos. Facebook offers this free service for all photos in all sizes, mostly because of it's business model of collecting as much information from you as possible. So for now i've switched to upload the originals to Evernote for long term storage and using Google+ for photo sharing. But what a world it would be if Google+ could do both.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Evernote Windows 8 Solution

For those having problems with the new windows 8 Evernote app, you can simply fall back to the standard windows evernote client. In fact this little solution applies for basically any app that has a less than functional windows 8 app, except for situations where a driver needs to be installed manually because it hasn't been certified for windows 8 yet